Did you know that Homoeopathic treatment can resolve your incessant coughs, colds and chest infection without antibiotics and their side effects? Many people have taken numerous courses of antibiotics in the past thinking that this was the only way to recover from their chest and upper respiratory tract infections. Homoeopathic treatment is a very effective alternative to taking those prescription drugs.Treatment is also very effective for sinus infections, influenza, tonsillitis and ear problems.
Lots of children suffer from ear problems once they have a yet another respiratory tract infection and mothers become very concerned about the consequences.
If you have been suffering from bodily aches and pains with fevers, it highly likely to be a case of Influenza. The symptoms can generally be resolved quite rapidly with the correct Homoeopathic treatment. If you are too unwell to attend the clinic and are an existing client of mine, I can organize an acute telephone consultation for you. This is probably a better option. Hopefully, a helpful husband or friend will collect your medicine and instructions from my clinic!
Each individual case is carefully assessed and a medicine is prescribed based on your symptoms. You will be given instructions about how frequently you should take your medicine and what to expect. A bonus, in the long term can be a stronger immune system and a much quicker recovery time.
It is important to rest and allow your body to recover when you are unwell. Preferably don’t go to work or travel on public transport as you will only spread your illness around to the general public.
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